Founder and President of Warka Water
Arturo Vittori is the Founder and President of Warka Water, an NPO that “focuses on innovative and sustainable solutions to some of humanity’s most enduring problems through the fusion of local knowledge and resources, visionary design, and ancient traditions.” Arturo is an internationally celebrated artist, architect and designer whose projects have provided beautifully innovative solutions to some of society’s most pressing issues.
When asked what prompted the launch of Warka Water, Arturo stated:
"The idea of the project came out from visiting a small village called Dorze in Ethiopia and seeing women and children walking for kilometres and kilometres every day to bring some water home"
Arturo and his team realised that, in order for rural Ethiopians to access water, women and children had to walk for miles, only to reach shallow, contaminated ponds. This new awareness ultimately led to Arturo designing vertical water towers that collect potable water from the air, providing rural populations with an alternative, safe water source.
Arturo is one of our #100WaterHeroes for founding Warka Water and using his skillset to create an alternative solution to lack of water access in rural African communities.
Twitter: @ArturoVittori
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/arturo-vittori-a457351